<aside> đź‘‹ Going to need to spend money? Start by requesting an account for submitting reimbursements, and/or a corporate card!

(You will need to ask your CodeDay contact for the "secret password".)


<aside> đź“Ś This policy does not apply to projects funded by US Government funds (or used for US Government cost-share), which have more strict requirements.

If this applies to your work you will be informed. If so, you must use the “Expense Policy for Projects Receiving US Government Funds” below.


See also:

Expense Policy for Projects Receiving US Government Funds

Travel Policy

Property and Inventory Policy

Contracting Policy

General Expense Requirements

Submit Timely Expense Reports

Expense reports and reimbursement requests need to be submitted within 60 days of when you incurred the expense, unless there's a specific reason you needed to wait. ("I forgot" is not a good reason.) The IRS requires us to deny expenses that are not submitted in a timely fashion.

Keep Your (Itemized!) Receipts

The IRS requires us to have itemized receipts for all expenses, whether they're reimbursed or charged to our corporate card. "Itemized" means it shows what was actually bought, not just the total amount.

In Abacus (Reimbursements) You'll need to upload your receipt to submit your expense.

In Divvy (Corporate Card) Once you make a charge, Divvy will send you a push notification asking you to upload a receipt. It will also show up as "incomplete" until the receipt is uploaded.

If you lost a receipt for an expense under $75, you can create and submit your own itemized receipt. Make sure to include the vendor, date, and an itemized list of purchases and costs. Include a screenshot from your credit card statement if possible.

If you lost a receipt for a larger expense, please contact the vendor and try to get a copy of the receipt. If you cannot get a receipt, you can submit the following affidavit instead. Please include screenshots from your credit card statement. Excessive use may result in denial of future expenses.

