Virtual CodeDay planning uses an innovative "Veggie Burger Model" For event orchestration.

Imagine you are holding a veggie burger. This veggie burger is a Virtual CodeDay. Attractive, socially conscious, delicious, and always leaves you craving more.

Like any quality veggie burger, Virtual CodeDay is built off of solid foundation with quality ingredients.

Here this analogy kind of falls apart because the "quality ingredients" are you, the volunteers. Trust me, we don't want to eat any of you, I promise!~

The bottom bun of our veggie burger is the Brainstorming Period. The Brainstorming Period is when we come up with as many ideas as possible. This lays the framework for the rest of the event planning, and no CodeDay would be possible without a good brainstorming period - have you ever tried to eat a burger with no bottom bun?

The Planning Period is the bottom garnish. The Planning Period's leafy greens act as a barrier for the juicy and flavor-packed Implementation period to thrive.

So far, we've already made a pretty bangin' veggie burger but what really pushes it across the border to flavor town is the condiments, aka Marketing. As our veggie burger comes to fruition, we trickle on 3 different condiments. These are creatively named Tier 1 Marketing push, Tier 2 Marketing push, and Tier 3 Marketing Push.

Finally, the crown on top is Execution. Actually running the event. Together, these 5 ingredients make an event students gradually bite in to and savor over the course of a weekend.

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